Final Results for First cycle studies—Third Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Final results for first cycle studies - third call - for academic 2024/2025
Final Results for First cycle studies—Third Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Final results for first cycle studies - third call - for academic 2024/2025
Preliminary Results for First cycle studies—Third Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Preliminary list for first cycle studies - third call - for academic 2024/2025
Timetable for Academic 2024-2025
Превземи го распоредот за академската 2024/2025
Invitation to the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2024/25
We are pleased to invite you to join us for the opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 Academic Year...
The future is now. The humanoid robot named Alshar, the first robot of its kind in the Balkans...
Open Call for Enrollment in First Cycle Studies—third call—for Academic 2024-2025
Превземи го Конкурсот за упис на студенти за прв циклус на студии - трет уписен рок - за академската...
Final Results for First cycle studies—Second Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Final results for first cycle studies - second call - for academic 2024/2025
Visit of the Rector Bimbilovski at Lanzhou Jiaotong University
On 22 September 2024, the Rector Ivan Bimbilovski visited the Lanzhou Jiaotong University. During his visit, Rector Bimbilovski was welcomed...
The Rector of the UIST, “St. Paul the Apostle,” Ivan Bimbilovski, attended the unveiling ceremony of the "Gansu Agricultural...
Preliminary Results for First cycle studies—Second Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Preliminary list for first cycle studies - second call - for academic 2024/2025