(CSE) Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering



The study program for computer technology and informatics will create personnel who will be carriers and creators of the most modern information solutions, which will be the basis of the future development of modern society. Information sciences and technologies create conditions for the development of new industries. Information sciences and technologies create new products, processes and distribution systems.

Through the implementation of this study program, the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering provides education for all aspects of programming, programming concepts, designing algorithms, using different data structures, as well as creating and managing databases, internet programming, parallel programming, communication systems, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning. This faculty provides the necessary knowledge that a professional engineer, an expert in computer science and technology, should have.

Within the study program for Computer Technology and Informatics, personnel who are already actively involved and, with their knowledge, contribute to creating solutions aimed at improving the experience and quality of people’s lives are created. Candidates who complete the second cycle of studies will apply their knowledge as individual programmers or programmers employed in companies and state institutions, but also as scientific researchers within scientific institutions in our country and the world.

The Computer Technology and Informatics program for the second cycle of studies at UINT aims to provide students with a broader knowledge of the concepts, theory and practice of information sciences and technologies. This program aims to develop students’ capacities for critical analysis and solving problems efficiently.

The study program for the second cycle of Computer Technology and Informatics includes the study of mandatory subjects in advanced programming algorithms and distributed systems, big data analytics, analysis of large social networks, edge and fog computing. The large number of optional subjects from different areas makes this program very attractive, primarily due to the possibility of choosing subjects for narrowly focused improvement in the areas of interest.

Emphasis in the second cycle of studies at UINT will be placed on independent research work, both theoretical and practical. The tendency will be for each exam to be taken with a specific practical project that will be distinguished by modernity and by the scientific trends in the field.

Students who complete this cycle of studies will acquire a good basis for further scientific research and professional development, as well as techniques and skills for continuous independent upgrading of knowledge.

Offered Degree Programs

• One-year (60 EKTS) studies

• Degree: Master of Science in Computer Techniques and Informatics.

• Acquired skills: embedded systems design, rapid prototyping, high-performance computing, advanced algorithms, cloud computing, supervisory management and data acquisition, genetic algorithms and machine learning, digital forensics, database confidentiality and security, artificial intelligence, cryptography and social network analysis.

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