Public procurement – Interreg IPA-CBC

Public procurement – Interreg IPA-CBC

Invitation to submit a tender/ Покана за доставување на понуди (re launched)-dated 21/09/2020

For implementation of  project „Intelligent Cross Border Accelerator for Innovative ICT-enabled start-ups (iCBA))“ according to the Agreement no. iCBA-F1-SO 1.1-SC 038 implemented by the Alexander Innovation Zone SA (AIZ) Thessaloniki Greece; South East European Research Center (SEERC), Thessaloniki, Greece; Management and administration authority of Technopolis Thessalonikis (TECHNOPOLIS), Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle,” North Macedonia; National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning Skopje, North Macedonia; and Balkan Unlimited Foundation, North Macedonia, the Rector of the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle,” Prof Dr. Ninoslav Marina invites you to submit an offer regarding the relaunch of tender with  PUBLICATION REF: ICBA /TND 2/WP3 PROVISION OF  EXTERNAL SERVICES  FOR ICBA PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION FOR WP 3 IN 3 LOTS.

The project is implemented with financial assistance from the EU INTERREG IPA CBC Programme Greece – The Republic of N. Macedonia 2014-2020. The tender dossier is attached to this web page.The deadline for submission of tenders is 06/10.2020 (Tuesday), at 14:00 hours

The tender dossier can be downloaded here.


The tenders will be submitted via post/courier, email,containing the following information:

  • Name and address of the tenderer((in the e-mail text):
  • Title of the tender(in the subject of e-mail):
  • Reference number ICBA/TND/2/WP3

The tenders could be  submitted by e mail as well  to the following address . The tenders could be submitted by person, by post or courier service to the following address:

Project ICBA

University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle,” Partizanska bb, 6000 Ohrid, North Macedonia.

For any additional information please refer to the following mail .

Answers will be published on this web site in a due time.