Immersive Lecture on the Metaverse by Prof. Anis Sefidanis

Immersive Lecture on the Metaverse by Prof. Anis Sefidanis

Last Friday, September 9th, in the Kasarna Hub offices in Ohrid, Professor Anis Sefidanis from UIST “St. Paul the Apostle” held a lecture on “Metaverse” with the subtitle “Clash of Realities and the Birth of the New World”. The lecture indeed opened entirely new worlds on virtual reality to the audience, which, in a clash with the so-called true or physical reality, and the sophisticated algorithms for transformations and targeted arrangements of information creates a Metaverse or a new Universe which is a frightening substitute for the existing Universe, yet for the benefit of the entire mankind. And not just a substitute, but a new all-encompassing reality. In fact, this is where the subtitle of this lecture comes from. To achieve this goal, the entire available state-of-the-art technology is being invested from all parts of the world, including ICT, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, biology… Of course, the “science above the sciences” i.e. philosophy is in the first place, posing moral and ethical dilemmas and trying to resolve them at least until the next iteration and certainly perhaps the most important: giving direction to the development of the new Universe. It was also emphasized that in the initial stages of the development of the technology, law, and legal relations and institutions should and must stand apart from those development processes, as innovation would develop without restrictions and at its full potential. 

Author of the text: Tome Skenderoski, Editor at Emiter
Photo credits: Wik Kakarotski