Informative meeting with students’ Ombudsman and anti-corruption officer at UIST

Informative meeting with students’ Ombudsman and anti-corruption officer at UIST

On 09.12.2022, on the occasion of the day against corruption and the day for human rights, an informative meeting was held in at the University of Information Science and Technology, by the officer in charge of receiving corruption notifications and reports, Professor PhD. Elena Hadzieva, and the student ombudsman, Dimitar Mitrevski. The meeting was attended by students, as well as professors and administrative staff. At the event, topics such as: how to recognize corruption, how to report it, how whistle-blowers are protected among other topics were discussed. The students were informed by the students’ ombudsman about the rights the students’ ombudsman protects, the methods and legislations that enforce this, and the capacities of the students’ ombudsman. A discussion followed regarding the rights and opportunities available to students at the University, the manner through which students can ask for help, advice and the procedures to follow in case of corruption. It has been emphasized that the students’ ombudsman Dimitar Mitrevski and prof. Hadzieva are available to provide help and additional information to students any time.