Initial technical visit to ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia

Initial technical visit to ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia

Upon invitation by ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia’s plant manager, Mr. Ognen Cubalevski, on February 16, 2022, UIST delegation led by Rector Ivan Bimbilovski, Assoc. Prof. Anis Sefidanis, and Asst. Prof. Aleksandar Karadimche has realized the initial technical visit of the plant. The aim of the visit was to discuss the possibilities for establishing a collaboration between the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” – Ohrid and ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia.

On this occasion, the UIST delegation has been introduced to the manufacturing process, the products manufactured in the plant and with the tour of the production lines, guided by Mr. Blagoja Srbakoski, got acquainted with the manner and dynamics of the production capacities of the company. In specific, the company is using semi-automatic manufacturing equipment, as well as fully automated, state-of-the-art manufacturing lines. UIST Ohrid will make efforts to provide knowledge and innovation that will support the process of automation of all production lines at ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia. This technical collaboration will provide insight and guidelines for the improvement of the existing UIST study programs.

UIST Ohrid, as a modern innovative institution that offers exclusive study programs with hands-on exploration of the important theoretical and practical aspects, strives to establish its international character as a leading ICT education and scientific research institution in the region. Hence, as short term activity, it has been agreed to initiate a spring internship program at ODW-ELEKTRIK Macedonia for UIST students. A public call with the necessary requirements and qualifications will be announced in the forthcoming period.