Lecture by Dr. Anis Sefidanis at the International Conference “Awareness and Sensitisation of Climate Change and its Consequences”

Lecture by Dr. Anis Sefidanis at the International Conference “Awareness and Sensitisation of Climate Change and its Consequences”

On June 26th, 2022, Dr. Anis Sefidanis, associate professor from UIST “St. Paul the Apostle” Ohrid, delivered an online lecture at the International Conference “Awareness and Sensitisation of Climate Change and its Consequences” organized by Adefis Juventud Internacional and part of Erasmus+ project. The topic of the lecture was “Usage of IT & AI in Combating Pollution” and the audience included various international researchers, students, and managers of various NGOs. The event was held in Madrid, Spain from where the participants could follow the presentation of Assoc. Prof. Anis Sefidanis in real-time.