Promotional Activities of UIST

Promotional Activities of UIST

Within the promotional activities presenting the opportunities and advantages of studying at the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostol”, a team from the University including the Vice-rector, deans of the faculties, and professors of UIST in the past three weeks visited several secondary schools in the region: EMUC “St. Naum Ohridski” – Ohrid, “Ibrahim Temo” High school – Struga, the Secondary School “Car Samoil” Secondary school – Resen, “Mirko Mileski” High school – Kichevo and the High School “14 Engjejt” in the city of Pogradec in Albania. Study programs, opportunities, and advantages offered by UIST “St. Paul the Apostle” were presented to high school students. The presentations were attended by a large number of high school students who showed great interest in studying at UIST. The visits to secondary schools were also an opportunity to establish closer cooperation with secondary schools from the region. The promotional activities for the presentation of the study programs offered by UIST continues in the following period, and presentations are planned in other high schools in Ohrid, Struga, Debar, Bitola, Prilep, and Gostivar.