UIST Team at IoT Security and Privacy Workshop in Skopje

UIST Team at IoT Security and Privacy Workshop in Skopje

On 20 September 2023, the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ustijana R. Shikoska, Ph.D., and the Deans Assistant Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Karadimche, Ph.D. and Assistant Prof. Dr. Goran Shibakovski, Ph.D., participated at IoT Security and Privacy Workshop at Seavus Education and Development Center (SEDC) in Skopje. The workshop is part of the Train the Trainers IoT Security and Privacy course, facilitated by Mr. Yacoub Hanna, Ms. Nevena Stojakovic, and Mr. Randy Pestana from Florida International University, and the Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) Program in N. Macedonia. The main objective of this workshop was to introduce several IoT devices as well as using one of the most well-known IoT device that has been used in many platforms, such as a Raspberry Pi (RPi).