UIST will host Startup Weekend Ohrid

UIST will host Startup Weekend Ohrid

From the 15th to the 17th of April 2022, the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” – Ohrid, will host the event Startup Weekend Ohrid powered by Startup Macedonia.

Startup Weekend is a global event / hackathon that aims to encourage young professionals, freelancers and startup enthusiasts to form a team in one location to develop a business idea from concept to prototype within 54 hours (weekend).
Each participant registers as an individual with their own business idea or with a desire to join one of the top 10 teams that will develop the idea in the next 54 hours.

The event will start on Friday, April 15 in the afternoon and will last until Sunday, April 17 in the evening, when all teams will present their business concepts to a professional jury.
The whole event is moderated by a certified Startup Weekend moderator who together with the organizing team and mentors have the objective the participating teams to achieve the maximum from the event.

During the event, the participants are provided with necessary conditions to be able to focus on idea development (premises for work, food, equipment and accommodation).
