Preliminary Results for First cycle studies—Second Call—for Academic 2024/2025
Preliminary list for first cycle studies - second call - for academic 2024/2025 ...
Preliminary list for first cycle studies - second call - for academic 2024/2025 ...
Превземи го Конкурсот за упис на студенти за прв циклус на студии - втор уписен рок - за академската 2024/2025 - Македонска верзија ...
Final Results for first enrollment period for academic 2024/2025 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR ENROLLMENT NEW STUDENTS IN THE ACADEMIC 2024/2025 ...
Preliminary list for first enrollment period for academic 2024/2025 ...
Превземи го Конкурсот за упис на студенти за прв циклус на студии за академската 2024/2025 - Македонска верзија Download the Open Call for Enrollment in First Cycle Studies for Academic 2024/2025 - English version ...
On Friday, May 24th, Sefidanis launched his latest innovation titled "Monument of the Future". The futuristic three-meter smart totem was displayed in the atrium of the University St. Paul the Apostle, where numerous visitors from the country and abroad had the opportunity to get...
The University of Information Science and Technology (UIST) "St. Paul the Apostle" recently conducted a series of successful promotional events at high schools in Ohrid, Struga, Prilep, and Kichevo. These events garnered significant interest from students eager to pursue higher education at UIST. Offering a...
As part of the official program celebrating May 24, the day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slavonic Enlighteners' Day, the Municipality of Ohrid and Mayor Kiril Pecakov hosted a commemoration ceremony. During the ceremony, a delegation from the University of Information Science and Technology...
Високото образование треба да стане синоним на реални и употребливи знаења и вештини на дипломираните студенти кои што ќе се мерат со брзо вработување на студентите по нивното дипломирање, а тоа е возможно само преку квалитетна практична настава за студентите на реално работно место. За таа цел, во рамките на зацртаните...