Outgoing Students

Dear Students at UIST,
Erasmus+  is Programme of the European Commission for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014–2020.

Within the Erasmus+ the students from our University shall have the opportunity to spend one semester staying and studying at one of the partner Universities that have signed Bilateral Agreements for student and staff exchange. Visit UIST’s webpage by pressing here to find the list of Universities with whom UIST has signed Bilateral Agreements, or download the table to see the total number of currently available places for exchange of students and staff with each of the partner Universities [1].

UIST students which are minimum in their 3rd semester of studying are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ grant for studying abroad. The procedure for applying for Erasmus+ studying grant shall be described in details in the Call for Submission of Applications for the summer semester of the academic 2014/2015. The call shall be published this August or beginning of September on our webpage.

The amount of the grant for studying[2]  per month is 500€ if the student is studying in one of these countries: Denmark, Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Iceland and Turkey, or 450€ for studying in: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Following student’s successful application, the selection committee shall publish a ranking list of selected students, giving the highest ranking student the precedence of choosing his/her preferred University for studying from the list of UIST’s partner Universities UIST’s partner Universities

In order to choose your preferred University, go to the following webpage Erasmus Partners where you will find the names and the Agreements for exchange of students signed between UIST and respective Universities. Open the agreement and browse through. Under section ‘A’ you will find a web address to the Erasmus+ web section and a contact person from the respective University. Follow this address and try to find out more information like the list of courses that you might attend or other useful information for you as an incoming student. In section ‘B’ you will find info on the number of students and staff to be exchanged per academic year and the duration of stay. Section ‘C’ provides the necessary language skill requirements and the languages of instruction available. Under section ‘E’ you will find the deadline by which the outgoing student should submit his/hers application to the receiving University. In the following sections you will find useful information related to visa acquiring procedures and accommodation. For any additional information feel free to write and seek for an answer from the contact person from the receiving University.

Assuming that you were selected, next step is submitting your application to the receiving University. Bear in mind that there is a deadline you have to meet and submit your application to the receiving University prior to it! Click here  and check under table’s category “Deadlines for submission of applications”, for finding the final dates for submission of your application. Check the webpage of the receiving University for finding out about all the necessary documents that you need to submit along with your application. The Learning Agreement  is the most important document in your application! With the Learning Agreement you choose and define the list of exams that you will take while studying abroad, but also the list of exams from your studying program at UIST that will be substituted in accordance with the credit transfer system. Thus, you won’t need to take any extra exams than the total number of exams from your current program of studies at UIST. Be aware that there has to be certain similarity between the content of the exams you will chose to take while studying abroad and those exams from the study program at UIST that you will be relieved off.

Shortly after submitting your application, the receiving University shell issues a Letter of Acceptance. Meaning you have been accepted as a student at the receiving institution. At this point you should proceed with signing the contract for using funds from the Erasmus+ grant, as well as proceed with administrative procedures for obtaining visa and accommodation.

Students with fewer opportunities and disadvantage background are encouraged to apply for Erasmus grantsThe categories can be found at the following link.


[1] Be informed that the number of available scholarships is smaller than the number of available places. By increasing the number of signed Bilateral Agreements UIST i s making effort to increase the available mobility choices for its students and employees, the decision on the number of annually available scholarships is made by the  National Agency for European educational programs and mobility

[2] According to the information obtained from  the National Agency for European educational programs and mobility  and the Erasmus+ Programme Guide pages 42,43.