
On 31 October 2023 at UIST, the Dean of the Faculty of Information Systems, Visualization, Multimedia, and Animation, Prof. Elena Hadzieva gave a presentation about the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS). It is a multilateral University exchange program in the extended Danube...

On 25 October 2023, on the occasion of the Diploma Award Ceremony at the University of Information Science and Technology St. Paul the Apostle were awarded diplomas to the new generation of graduates of 2022/2023. The ceremony was opened with a performance of the national and academic hymns by...

Универзитетот за информатички науки и технологии „Св. Апостол Павле“, Охрид е домаќин на тестирање на општата интелигенција, организирано од Менса Македонија по повеќе од десет години. Тестирањето е цел прием на нови членови, а кандидатите е потребно: -да имаат наполнето 16 години до денот на тестирање,- да уплатат 500 денари...

On 20 October 2023, the Chinese Ambassador H. E. Zhang Zuo attended the launching ceremony of the commemorative envelope marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of N. Macedonia at the University of Information Science and Technology...