
Faculty of ICS Preliminary results for the president for student assembly at the faculty of ICSPreliminary results for the members for student assembly at the faculty of ICS Faculty of CNS Preliminary results for the president for student assembly at the faculty of CNSPreliminary results for...

The University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” Ohrid in the scope of its promotional activities organizes Open Days from 18-20 April 2022 between 12-14h. The UIST Open Days are intended for the presentation of the study programs to graduating high school...

The University of Information Science & Technology St. Paul the Apostle signed a memorandum of cooperation with the company GREAT IT from Sweden. On the 1st April 2022, a meeting between the Dean of the Faculty of AITMIR asst. prof. Dr. Goran Shibakovski and Mr. Afrim Osmani -...

Faculty of ICS Candidate list of presidents for student assembly at the faculty of ICSCandidate list of members for student assembly at the faculty of ICSList of students eligible for voting at the faculty of ICS Faculty of CNS Candidate list of presidents for student...

The Committee for International Students at the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” Ohrid will have weekly online info sessions for prospective international students. The goal of these info sessions is to provide information to candidates from abroad who express interest...

On March 9, 2022, the University of Information Science and Technology „St. Paul the Apostle“ Ohrid participated in the City of Skopje’s project  activity for promotion of university  study programs to high-school graduates in Skopje. The promotion of UIST was held via virtual presentation due...

Во секојдневните напори за збогатување на книжниот фонд и посебно на одделот за стручна литература деновиве во посета на НУ Библиотека „Григор Прличев“ беше проф. д-р Анис Сефиданис од  Факултетот за применети информатички науки, машинска интелигенција и роботика при Универзитетот за информатички науки и технологии...

Dear Students, on April 7, 2022 (Thursday) there will be elections for Student Assembly Members of the Faculties of ICS, CNS, ISVMA and AITMIR and president of Student Assembly at the University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” Ohrid. Read carefully enclosed documents...

From the 15th to the 17th of April 2022, the University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle" - Ohrid, will host the event Startup Weekend Ohrid powered by Startup Macedonia. Startup Weekend is a global event / hackathon that aims to encourage young...