
Final Results for the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Final Results for the Faculty of Communication Networks and Security Final Results for the Faculty of Information Systems, Visualization, Multimedia and Animation Final Results for the Faculty of Applied IT, Machine Intelligence and Robotics Final  Results for the Faculty of...

Dear students, Please find attached the Call for applications for participation in the Erasmus+ program. The call is open only for citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. We highly recommend all potential applicants should attend the info session that will take place at 12.00 hours at the University's...

Preliminary Results for the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Preliminary Results for the Faculty of Communication Networks and Security Preliminary Results for the Faculty of Information Systems, Visualization, Multimedia and Animation Preliminary Results for the Faculty of Applied IT, Machine Intelligence and Robotics Preliminary Results...

Драги студенти,  Министерството за информатичко општество и администрација преку соработка со компанијата Huawei обезбеди можност за наградување на петте најдобри студенти од ИКТ факултетите во Република Македонија. Станува збор за студиската програма „Seeds for the future" која компанијата Huawei од Кина ја спроведува од 2008 година,...

Dear Students, "Slice" is a newly established company located in Ohrid providing online support services for their New York based clients. The company is in a process of teaming up and they are interested in recruiting various IT and business administration related profiles of employees. For those of...

Dear students, Please find attached the Call for applications for participation in the Erasmus+ program The call is open only for citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. We highly recommend all potential applicants should attend the info session that will take place at 18.00 hours at the University's...