
The University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle", Ohrid has achieved a record number of enrolled students during the first enrollment round that occurred on August 29, 30, and 31.  The Vice-Rector, Professor Dr. Ustijana Rechkoska-Shikoska, emphasizes that this exceptional enrollment outcome is a...

On July 25, 2023, as a result of the cooperation established through the Memorandum of Cooperation with Fan S. Noli University in Korçë, Albania, Mrs. Ana Smakoska, the Head of the Department for Financial, Material, and Accounting Operations at UIST “St. Paul the Apostle” -...

The EU Ambassador, David Geer, visited the University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle" in Ohrid today. Professor Dr. Ustijana Rechkoska-Shikoska, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, along with representatives from the Rectorate, Senate, and Administration of the University, hosted a high-level delegation led...

Превземи го Конкурсот за упис на студенти за прв циклус на студии за академската 2023/2024 - Македонска верзија Download the Open Call for Enrollment in First Cycle Studies for Academic 2023/2024 - English version ...

Меморандумот за соработка помеѓу Универзитетот за информатички науки и технологии „Св. Апостол Павле” - Охрид и Јавната научна установа Хидробилошки Завод - Охрид денес беше потпишан од Проректорката на Универзитетот, проф. д-р Устијана Речкоска- Шикоска и Директорката на Хидробилошкиот Завод, научен советник, д-р Орхидеја...